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{Guide to Christmas Teleport Event}



EVENT WILL END ON 12/28/15 AT 13:00:00 (SERVER TIME)


This is a teleport event with five locations to play. Each location features an outfit and a final prize that you can win. Four of the locations have a hair as the final prize and the outlier has a special lip. This is another straightforward event but I do have some tips that I'll discuss in a bit. 


For the players that don't buy diamonds or want to limit the amount of diamonds you use then you will be happy to know that I think it's feasible to get to half of the prizes without spending some diamonds. There is, of course, a caveat to this. When your Lady is teleported to a location you can be there for 8 hours and can flip a block for free once every 40 minutes. 8 hours / 40 minutes = 12 turns in one day. For a lot of us, it isn't feasible to sit at the computer for 8 hours unless you're at an engagement party. ;-) 


So what I do is pick the best time that I know I'll either be on or around a computer. And for me, that's during work. I set the timer on my phone and continue what I'm doing. You might miss a couple of free turns but at least, you'll maximise the number of blocks you can turn over. 


Be mindful of the clock! Those 8 hours end sooner than you might think. The importance of this will be explained later.


              An item is either located here or around here.


              An item was found here.


              An item is NOT here nor is one located around here. 



Before moving on to the gameplay and some tips don't forget to follow my guide to earn some free diamonds in order to supplement your existing reserve. 



So now that that is out of the way and you've chosen the zone you want to focus on let's move on to the gameplay! You start off with a 10 x 10 grid. Where you place your initial move, IMO, is completely up to you. I prefer to always pick a centre location only because it helps weed out X marks a lot quicker and proves quite handy as the number of items to be found dwindles.  

o1. Can I win all of those hairstyles pictured in the event promo during this event?


Unfortunately, no. Two of those hairstyles are from prior events. Only the third one on the right can be won during this event and it's located in Miracle Land.





















o2. Any of the clothes and/or accessories pictured not a part of this event?


No. Everything pictured can be won.

Wait! I want to know what's behind the portals before clicking on one. Yeah, I got you. ;-) Click on the gallery to maximise it so you can see which photo belongs to which zone.

Miracle Land
Magic Land
Happy Land
Snow Land
Wonder Land

Lucky for me my first mark landed me on an item with quite a few nice clues surrounding it. Just from a cursory look at this board I already know where items 2 and 3 will be. Don't believe me? Let's continue. 

ALWAYS start off by eliminating the boxes that would never  have an item behind it. You won't ever click on and find an item located adjacent to, diagonally to, or parallel to an mark. This is true even if there is a mark next to it. This is where people mess up and lose out on their free turn. 


B-b-but I found an item next to an X, you say. Of course you did but only AFTER you clicked on said item. That or Xes were not there prior to you turning over that box. 

Your next step is to hone in on your next move. The red circle is the best move to be made on this current board. Why? Because of where it is located. But there are plenty of other marks you say. What makes this one so special? There are two marks next to it that are also next to an X. This leads me to believe that something is very close by because if it wasn't those two marks would be Xes

Now would you look at that? The item is exactly where I thought it would be and now I'm even more convinced I know where the third item is. 

Remember my justification for honing in on the second item location? Well, it held true here too. The fact that the  marks next to the did not turn into Xes meant that something else was nearby. A box surrounded by such a mark that is further surrounded by marks is a sure bet.


I won't bore you with more screenshots, but this is essentially the gameplay. A good goal is to be able to get at least 6 items during a run, more if time permits.  Speaking of time, remember when I said to watch it? It costs 10 diamonds to get back into a zone. If you're a player with diamonds and are willing to spend them it is far better for you to spend 3-9 diamonds looking for 1 or 2 items then letting the time pass and have to enter the board again. While you're entering for free, it's time being wasted on those last 2 items while you could be searching for a board full of items. This is especially true during the last 1-2 days of the event. 


If it's necessary, while going through other boards I will see if my strategy changes and document it here. I doubt this given my past records with these type of events. 

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