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o1. How do I get invited?


Please, re-read my Engagement Guide. To make a long story short:


  • Read the Lady's profile/comment section

  • Send a nice PM with a congratulations

  • Don't send a second PM unless a couple days or more has passed and it's clear that the guest list isn't limited

o2. Can I pick which boyfriend proposes?


Yes. When you have received the last gift DO NOT kiss or call the current boyfriend again unless he's the one you want. Break up with him and pick the guy you like. 


o3. Will he look the same after we're engaged?


No. According to the game developers boyfriends revert back to their previous looks.


o4. Well, what did they look like before?


I have no clue because I don't really remember and I sincerely doubt anyone else will either. Be prepared for the bait and switch and go in knowing that you're going to have to spend some dollars, emeralds, and/or diamonds to get him to look the way you want.  

o5. How much will an engagement party cost me?


Depends on a lot of things. On the low end anywhere from 2500-4500 emeralds. On the high end at least 100 diamonds to get the unlimited venue. I believe so far PurpleBondGirl has the most comprehensive engagement guide. Read it here. I will provide my cost estimate once I am done planning my engagement party. 


o6. How much emeralds can I make from going to an engagement party?


Please, see the Engagement Party Guide page.


o7. Can I pick and choose which missions to do?


Sure but that wouldn't make you a very good party guest. If you're trying to limit the amount of XP you receive then simply do the mission once and don't collect the reward. 


o8. Can I take my own pictures at the engagement party?


No but that would be nice! Only the host can take pictures. 


o9. I have to log off and want a picture! Will I still be able to get one?


Yes. Send a message to the host requesting a picture with your level. Also, inform them that you're signing off. Copy and paste the engagement party's ID or gallery link. Remember that gallery links do not expire. You can visit the next day or even a month later and retrieve your photos! This is also helpful for people who have run out of photo slots. 


1o. How many likes can I give at a party?


Realistically, you can give 7 likes. You can give 1 like per hour. Granted, a party is 8 hours long but once the party timer is down to a couple of minutes or stops you can no longer give a like or even retrieve your final bonus. 


11. Can I save my mission rewards until the party is over?


No! DO NOT DO THIS! If the timer on the party clock stops or even gets to down to a few minutes, once you try to click on the reward it will say that it has already been received. 




Apparently, even after a party has ended you can retrieve your mission rewards. BUT you must be continously logged in and not have ventured away from the party screen because then you will forfeit your reward(s). 





































12. Should I collect my rewards as we go along?


No. You can save your rewards until all of the misisons are done. It's best to do that as vultures are usually waiting and trying to duel people for their mission money. 


13. What is a vulture?


A vulture is someone who is watching chat to monitor who has collected their rewards and then duels them for their money. It's best not to discuss how much money you've made or currently have in your bank in party chat. Vultures can also be people who weren't invited to the party and are going through the list of guests and challenging them from there.


14. When you're kicked from a party what happens?


It depends on if you were kicked prior to attending the party or during. 


Scenario o1: Prior to your attendance


When you click on the Party Centre link the party will no longer show in your "My Parties" list. If you check your Notifications you will see a message from the game advising you that you were kicked from the party. The message is sent at the exact time that you were kicked. 


Scenario o2: During your attendance


You'll automatically be removed from the party and will forfeit any mission rewards that weren't collected. You'll also get the same notification from the game advising you that you were kicked from the party.  


15. Once kicked can I come back?


No, you can't. 


16. I was kicked accidently! Can I come back now?


No, you can't. And I highly doubt it was an accident. #JustSayin'


17. The party has started can I still get an invite?


No. Once a party has started hosts can no longer send invites. 


{Engagement Guide}

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